PC Specialist Customer Information
(Please note: as of January 15, 2022
I will accept residential customers only, except for
photo restoration, book/text imaging, and music
production; "I" and "my" refer to the customer.)
As a customer of PC Specialist, I understand that any time a
computer is turned on or the case opened there is a
possibility of data loss, and that it is the customer’s
responsibility to maintain a current and reliable backup of
all important data; and that it is the customer’s
responsibility to insure that they have legal access to all
programs that may need to be re-installed and that the
installation of these programs is in accordance with the
manufacturer’s licensing agreements. I further understand
that Elliot Namay cannot be held responsible for any data
loss resulting from required actions taken on his part.Triage
Regrettably, sometimes scheduled appointments must be
rescheduled to accommodate emergencies. Priority must be
given first to existing clients over new customers; systems
provided by PC Specialist, Inc. over other manufacturer’s
systems; non-functional businesses over inconvenienced
businesses or residences. Thank you for your understanding.Charges
As a customer of PC Specialist, I understand that the
current charge for hardware or software service is
$120.00per hour with a 1 hour minimum charge ($160.00 per hour after hours and emergency rush appointments;$240.00 per hour after 8:00p.m. M-F, and weekends and holidays), which may be raised at any time, and that charges may be due at the time services are rendered, payable by cash or check only. I also understand that the current charge for photo restoration, book/text imaging, and music production is $60 per hour charged in 15 minute increments, with a one hour minimum fee. I further understand that these charges are for Elliot Namay’s knowledge, experience and expertise, and will be incurred whether that time is spent in consultation, actual technological service, or travel to and from the job site. I further understand that non-warranty technical support conducted over the telephone or by remote access will be charged in 15 minute increments at the same rate, as will consultation with other suppliers or support personnel on behalf of the customer. I further understand that all hardware items must be paid for, at Elliot Namay’s discretion, either when the order is placed or immediately upon receipt, and that interest will be charged on any balance not paid within thirty days unless prior arrangements have been made and agreed upon. Books, Photographs, and Images
It is the customer’s responsibility to safely deliver
original items for scanning, restoration, or production; and
toensure the legal right to reproduction. All efforts will be made to safeguard old and deteriorating images, books, and other originals, but irreparable damage may be unavoidable during flattening and duplicating. Elliot Namay will not be held responsible for such damage. Neither will Elliot Namay be held responsible for damages to originals resulting from delivery incidents or for copyright infringement. Warranties
As a customer of PC Specialist, I understand that all
coverage is provided under the individual manufacturer’s
warranty only, and that Elliot Namay will not be held
responsible for lost time or productivity due to equipment
failures or delays.Finance ChargesAs a customer of PC Specialist, I understand that I am responsible for a finance charge on any unpaid balance beginning on the original invoice date and charged for every day past 30 days from invoice date. ~ Final Word From Elliot ~ Computers and associated technologies can be wonderful tools, but also can be extremely frustrating. I don’t create the problems – I fix them. No misplaced aggression, please... |